The Human Digestive System

Explore the fascinating world of the human digestive system with STEM Scholars Hub. Our hands-on STEM workshops and tutoring sessions provide a deep dive into this essential aspect of human biology, fostering a love for science and critical thinking skills in learners of all ages.

How Our Digestive System Works

Our body needs energy to grow, move, and stay healthy. The food we eat provides this energy, but first, it must be digested. Digestion is the process of breaking down food into nutrients that our body can use. This process happens inside a special group of organs called the digestive system.

Major Organs of the Digestive System

  1. Mouth – Digestion begins here! When we chew, our teeth break food into smaller pieces. Our saliva (spit) starts breaking down food into simpler forms.
    • Example: When you chew a cracker for a long time, it starts tasting sweet. This happens because saliva breaks down the starch into sugar.
  2. Esophagus – After we swallow, food moves down this long tube to the stomach. The muscles in the esophagus push food downward in a wave-like movement called peristalsis.
  3. Stomach – This organ is like a mixer. It uses stomach acid to break food into even smaller pieces, making it soft and liquid-like.
    • Example: If you put crackers in a bag with some vinegar and shake it, they will break down. This is similar to what happens in your stomach!
  4. Small Intestine – This is where most digestion and nutrient absorption happens. Tiny finger-like structures called villi help absorb the nutrients into the blood.
    • Example: Think of a sponge soaking up water. The small intestine absorbs nutrients the same way.
  5. Large Intestine – It absorbs water from leftover food and turns it into solid waste (poop), which leaves the body.

Why Is Digestion Important?

  • It gives us energy to play, think, and grow.
  • It helps our body get vitamins and minerals from food.
  • It removes waste that we don’t need.

Everyday Life Application

  • Chew your food well – This helps digestion start properly.
  • Drink water – It helps food move smoothly through the digestive system.
  • Eat fiber-rich foods (like fruits and vegetables) – They help your intestines work properly.
  • Avoid too much junk food – It can slow down digestion and cause stomach problems.


  • National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (n.d.). Your Digestive System & How It Works. Retrieved from
  • KidsHealth. (n.d.). How the Digestive System Works. Retrieved from


Understanding Digestion

The human digestive system is a complex network of organs and processes that work together to break down food and absorb nutrients. From the mouth to the intestines, each part plays a crucial role in ensuring our bodies receive the energy and nutrients they need to function.

The Role of STEM in Digestive Health

STEM education plays a vital role in understanding the science behind digestion and promoting healthy habits. With STEM Scholars Hub, students can engage in hands-on experiments and activities that bring the digestive system to life, fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the human body.